Comprehension/Text Structure Activity

Comprehension/Text Structure Activity

QAR:  Question-Answer Relationships
Directions: The following activity will strengthen your understanding of different types of questions. You will need to read the following four different types of relationships:

Question-Answer Relationships

Using the Text:
  • Right There: The answer is in the text. The words used in the question and the words used for the answer.
  • Think and Search: The answer is in the text, but the words used in the question and those used for the answer are not in the same sentence. You need to think about different parts of the text and how ideas can be put together before you can answer the question.
In Your Head:
  • Author and You: The answer is not in the text. You need to use previous knowledge and try to understand what the author is trying to say.
  • On Your Own: The text makes you think, but the answer is stuck in your head. It is up to you to think about it and answer the question to the best of your ability.
Ok.  Now that you know about QAR, we'll do these activities:

Objective: The student will be able to understand and use the vocabulary words and note their similarities and differences. 

Model: What are some similarities and differences between what we've learned about forests and what we currently know about the Florida Everglades? Using our prior knowledge and inclinations,  students will fill out the Venn Diagram below.  Then I will introduce nine vocabulary words that we will be studying with this lesson, and five more, just to shake things up a bit. 

Sample questions:  Which location consists of a variety of ecosystems that work together?  Which location is unique because of the existence of aquifers and an underwater table? Which location is home to endangered species?  Which location consists of canopies that host a variety of animal and plant life?

Guided Practice: You will work in pairs to make their own Venn Diagrams to show the similarities and differences between two of the vocabulary words. Example:

Independent Practice: You will work independently to create a Venn Diagram showing the similarities and differences between two other vocabulary words.