10 After Reading Activities
With a partner, choose two of the following activities to complete after you have finished reading the assigned text:
1: Make a model of a part or parts of the Everglades. Don't forget to label! This is a great example of an aquifer made by another student:
Activity 2: Create a poster that will educate the public so they can be made aware of saving the Everglades.
Activity 3: Write a short essay, poem, or song about the fate of the Everglades if humans don't protect it.
4: Brain Pop! Watch the video and complete the activities on the Brain Pop Everglades site. Print or re-write the activities and put them in your science notebook.
5: Create a Glogster about the transfer of energy in the Everglades.
Activity 6: Create a website about the importance of preserving the Everglades.
Activity 8: Create foldable-style quiz based on the reading. List at least 8 questions and include the answers.
Activity 9: Create a your own original digital story or PowerPoint presentation using the key vocabulary words from the chapter.
Activity 10: Create an award or write a thank you letter to be presented or sent to an organization that is working hard to preserve the Everglades.